Thursday, November 29, 2012

Week 5 EOC: Job recuiters turn to facebook

In the book it's stated that, people tend to relate better to there peers, when it comes to products and brands. Company's hire bloggers to test out products and blog about there daily use of that product. It also tells you that they hire their brand ambassadors ( people that test products n give feed back) very carefully. Their are programs being organized for consumer -to - consumer interactions, about all different brands. Company's often search blogs and onlie social networks to identify individuals who are advocates. Brand am bassadors leverage the power of peer with peer communication. On the other hand, job recruiters post job openings on there facebook page. Many recruiters and other employees find user groups and join the discussion. They rely on facebook to help them get every possible brand ambassador. If social networkin keeps strving for that top spot, recruiters will need a better hiring solution. "Candidates have been 50% more likely to apply for job offers that have been posted". Will Stanley said 'this is much more efficent and targeted.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Week 5 EOC: Me times 3

There are three things that defined me as a person. The first would have to be my kids. They have helped shape me into the woman I am today. My style comes second. It sets me aside from my peers. Last would be my iPhone 4s, it shows that i am well rounded with things going on in the world. My phone holds all my information and all the things that connect me to me. 

My kids are the biggest part of me. They made me the woman I am today. Before i had mi daughter I was the kind of person who didn't care for to much of anything. I found myself doing what was expected of me. Being the girl nobody wanted to talk to or be around. Once mi daughter was born i knew that my attitude towards life had to change for the better. While working on me, i became pregnant with my son. Soon i knew that it wasn't just about me or my daughter anymore. I will have to worried twice as much and learn more about things, so that my kids can be safe and healthy. Life really began for me when my kids came into this world. All the struggle i seen other parents go through with one kid, I got with two. My mind is much more steady and ready for what life has to offer me and i give all my thanks to my two beautiful kids. Without them there is no Claudia Jones.

The style of clothing i choose is best for me because, it shows people who I am on the fashion side of things. I get ideas from thin air. I take what i think fits my body and shapes me in all the right places, and make a great fashion statement. No matter the fabrics, colors and shapes, I make my own look unique. I show every aspect of myself through clothes and make-up. To me my style say's that i am outspoken, very sweet and out going. Also that I am fashion forward and well put together.  I often get the impression that I am feisty and mean just from the way that i walk. I walk with my head held high cause i only see up from were i am now. My style helps me do that and feel comfortable doing it.

The IPhone4s is the last thing that i can truly say defines me. Everything from school work to setting reminders, my phone lets me do a lot in a short amount of time. I can hold long hour conversations with family members with-out, having to actually call them. Music is a must for me and with this phone i can listen to different stations in 2.5 secs. Reading school books , magazines, or just using the internet is easy and hassle free. From contacts to pictures and videos, I have all i need in the palms of my hands. The IPhone4s makes me feel like I'm hip to the technology around me. Makes me feel like I'm apart of a generation that understands more then the last. This phone defines me in ways that i can't explain. It's still a working progress, and I'm taking it all in.

These are the things that define me as a person. Others may be different, but for me its simple. I love my kids til' the death of me. With-out them I don't think I would be here studying Fashion. My own personal style is unique and speaks for itself. The IPhone4s is what holds all my daily activities and documents in one smart phone. This is me defining me times 3.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Week 4 EOC: Business to Business vs Consumer Marketing

Business to business and consumer marketing are similar in a few way. When it comes to there general marketing level they require deep down understanding of customer needs, and marketing strategies. They do this so they can create superior customer value. There buying decisions are more complex and takes a lot of thought and planning out ahead of time. It's a real challenge when it comes to buyers. You have to win there business by business, day in day out, and year in year out partnership. In order to do that the company should have superior products and close collaboration.
“Customer partnerships are at the center of GE and Ecomagination,” confirms GE chairman and CEO Jeffrey Immelt in a recent letter to shareholders. “We are viewed as a technical partner by customers around the world.”
More broadly, people throughout the entire GE organization know that success in business-to-business markets involves more than just developing and selling superior products and technologies. Business customer buying decisions are made within the framework of a strategic, problem-solving partnership. “We love the challenge of a customer’s problem,”

Week 4 BOC: There's An App For That

I want to create an app that helps people find exactly what there looking for. When it comes to fashion a lot of people have a hard time finding the items they need and want. This app will help you find the store, see how many is in stock, and what other stores have the same item. It'll let you mix and match all the products so you can put together a great out fit. Starting with a huge seletion of clothes from all kinds of designer lines, you'll have a great outfit and the latest fashion. There will be options for everything you need to get the look you want. From sunglasses to hat's, earrings, rings, bracelets,  watches, and much more, you'll never want to leave your house to shop ever again. With the touch of  a button everyone including you can have a best dressed day everyday.

Week 3 EOC: Demographics


I am apart of a group born in 1977-2000. This generation is known as "Generation y." People born within these years are very hands on, when it come to technology. I currently use an iphone, ipad, labtop, mp3 player, and camara. Im a single mother of two kids, boy and girl. My parents were never married, yet im still proud to be apart of this generation. Im a "Millinem."

Week 3 EOC: Making Money For Good

                                                        The Face Watch

The face watch helps support many differeent causes. In this case im refering to the white face watch. The white face watch provieds food for childeren in need. The color white stands for hunger, which helps people remmberthe reason for purchasing this product. ONE DAY WAGES is the charity that funds this product. The idea came from a project called indiegogo. Indiegog is an international crowd funding site, founded by Danae Ringelman. I choose this product because, it notonly helps with feeding kids, but it helps with other problems to. Such as breast cancer, water, enviorment, and aids. Each watch has its own color for a reason. You will know what your supporting before and after the purchase of any one of these sheek watches. There moto is "Changing The World 1:Face At A Time."

 " When you buy 1 white watch, our supporting charity One Day's Wages provides food supplements to 16 children in the Horn of Africa"
  "Face watch is a fashion product with much more than fashion value. Create change in the World while looking good & feeling good!"

    "The horn of Africa (Ethiopia, Kenya, and Somalia) has recently experienced its worst drought in 60 years, leaving 13 million people in need of assistance and food. Along with their long term work in the region, for every white watch purchased, One Day's Wages will be able to provide treatment for 16 malnourished children with food supplements they desperately need."

Week 1 EOC: My Voice

As a young woman of color i get looked down on and critizied. Things aren't just handed to me. I was told if i want it then i have to go get it. Fashion retail management is my major, and without a dought i will prove people wrong and do what's least exspected of me. I take pride in what i do and how i do it. To me fashion is more then a clothing line or style. It's a life's journey of lessons and opportuity. I will make mine a movement. Something to show other people like me that, things are possible. All you have to do is put your mind and heart into it and your sure to succeed. I consider myself  lucky because of all that i have been blessed with. Im a young single black parent and i refuse to be another statistic. People may dought me and lot more but none of that matters. Im a strong independent woman and im goin do what i have to, in order to get were i want to be.

Week 1 EOC: Great Customer Experience

The best costomer experience i have had was about a year ago. It was at a walmart and i was at least 5 months pregant. I was coming up to the check out line, when a group of teenagers cut me off. The staff at walmart showed me that people really do care. They approached the tennagers and let them know what they did was wrong, then helped me to anotha check out. The best part was when the cashier explained to me that everything was goin to be ok, and how sorry she was that that happened to me. She then offered to help me to my car, seeing i was exspecting and already had a baby in the cart. The vibe i got from her let me know that the little things really do matter. I was having a bad day prior to goin into that store. When u get those people that will speak up for what they think is right it makes you feel good. I am still shocked til this day to know that someone had my back when i didn't have it myself. This was by far my best customer experience.